Wednesday, August 12, 2009

Ian isn't only crawling...

So about 3 weeks ago, Ian began to move like an inchworm...he'd fling those arms out in front of him and pull his legs up behind him. Then about a week later, he figured out the alternating arm and leg movements, and he began to move quicker than I ever imagined. Then, about a week ago (last Friday to be exact), he pulled up. Luckily, I don't think he'll be walking this week as that requires a bit more than a week to master, but I'm sure it won't be 11 months like I have my heart set on. He'll probably be like his sister and walk around 9 months. I'm still hoping for 11 though!!

Here are some pictures of him pulling up:

Here he is pulling up on his bouncy seat.

Here he is standing at the window in the living room. This is one of his favorite places to be.

Last night was quiet around here. Ian fell asleep on the way home at 5pm and slept the whole night with exception of a bottle at around 9pm. This gave me time to take a good look at my new photo collage site that I threw together last week and make it look how I really wanted it to. There is a link to the right if you'd like to check it out. If you have a blog or a website, I now have a button on there that you can "wear".

I would like to leave you with a picture of Ian as an infant and then a picture of Ian now.


Chelsea said...

Awww, look at how much he's changed! Our babies are getting SO big! Weren't we pregnant just a minute ago?

I think Ben might be joining Ian in the 9 month walking department, but I guess time will tell. Personally, I wouldn't mind if he waited 'til a year. :)

Unknown said...

Isn't it funny how much babies love the outside... Levi loves to stare out the window in our living room too.