Friday, July 31, 2009

He's mobile!

Oh my Mr. Ian certainly is a mobile little boy now! The video below was taken about a week ago.

He's made great strides since this. He can crawl, alternating hands and legs and keep his belly off the ground all at the same time! That is a huge accomplishment for a 24lb baby. Yeah, he weighs over 24lbs on our bathroom scale.

He got a bit of a cold this weekend. I think he got it from me. I made a very interesting discovery since I was desperate to get rid of the snot dripping continuously from his nose. Remember a couple years ago when the FDA took all cold medicines for children under 6 off the market? Do you realize what kind of predicament it puts us moms in when we can't make our babies feel better. Well, when Ian had a cold a few months ago, the doctor gave us a prescription for cold medicine. Yesterday, I took it with me to Walmart and compared ingredients...can you believe that it's exactly the same medication that is in Children's Tylenol Cold? So I bought it and gave him .75 tsp - carefully calculated to match the prescription that the doctor gave us mind you - and low and behold, he felt better rather quickly. He hasn't had to have any medicine today and was such a good boy after work today. I am hoping for a good nights sleep.

Melody is at her Grandma's for 2 weeks. I surely miss my Melody. She really is a source of happiness for me. I miss her hugs. I hope she's having fun. There are only two weeks left before school starts. I am happy that she has the opportunity to get away a little and have some new experiences without her baby brother to tie her down. ; )

Thursday, July 23, 2009

I gave my blog a make over! and other random thoughts...

That's right folks! My blog has a new look thanks to The Cutest Blog on the Block (love this site!). Where else can I get butterflies and polka dots?

Ian is 7 month old! Our 7 month old...
  • Is growing a tooth...I can feel it and barely see it
  • Is soooo close to crawling its not even funny...He's still working on those arm motions
  • Is "dancing" in his exersaucer when the music plays ... I'll sway back and forth and then he'll imitate me with a big ole smile on his face
  • Sits up very well
  • Can go from a sitting position to standing when holding my hands (when he begins to crawl, he will most likely start pulling up VERY soon after)
  • Is eating a very large variety of baby food out of jars mostly just because I know he's getting a better variety than what I could puree for him.
  • Most recently we've added pumpkin, blueberries, strawberries, and mango to his diet. He surprisingly likes the meats. Tonight I mixed the Pumpkin Pear jar with Ham and he gobbled it right up. I have no idea why I decided to mix them together.
  • Babbles all sorts of syllables (bababa, dadada) and is known to growl, squeal, and scream when he feels the need.
  • Thinks his sister is the greatest and she just eats it up
What's on my mind lately?

I think I have finally gotten used to life with two kids. It's the norm now and it doesn't stress me out.

Tony's mom came in for the 4th of July weekend and my mom came in last weekend which was also known as my birthday weekend. I turned 26! Other than my mom coming to town (which was awesome!) and buying me cupcakes and pizza for dinner, my birthday was pretty low key. No big celebrations. Thanks for coming mom, you made my day!

Work has been complete hell lately - just way too busy and too much jammed packed into one month. But it should get better and more manageable as the busiest class season is behind us now.

Tony has been pretty into his online game for the past 5 months or so. This is leaving me longing for a hobby that makes me happy like his game makes him happy. I realize I can't expect him to entertain me and since I've go this parenting of two thing down, I think I can safely take on a project I enjoy. And I know what the hobby is...scrapbooking. I just need a little motivation to get it organized, a little money to make it exciting, and a way to keep it out of a soon to be toddler's hands.

I have a great idea for an "online business" but I have no idea how to set it up or advertise it. I have a love for making photo collages that can be used as a desktop background or even printed and framed in an 8x10 frame and I have several people ask about mine on my computer at work and I think I could charge a small fee to make them for people and then send them the file via email. I think I can request payment via pay pal, but I need to do some research. This could definitely provide my scrapbooking budget. If anyone has any ideas on how I can do this please comment!

I'm wondering what is keeping our friends so busy. I barely see anyone ever anymore and I'm not sure if its because I've done something wrong or if its just life. Melody misses seeing everyone too. We don't exactly get out as much as we used to either but I don't really remember us being out all the time anyway so I don't think thats it.

I had the day off yesterday and I took the kids to the park and walked around downtown with them. It was a beautiful day and I'm glad I didn't stress when Kim said she was sick - I just took the day off and didn't look back.

Melody starts 3rd grade in less than a month! Oh my! I really can't believe she is getting so big.

I am starting to ponder Ian's 1st birthday party. I really wish there were a place that I could have a simple party somewhere kid friendly without having 30 people in my house and not have to pay $200... I'm seriously hoping for a warm weekend in December lol. Ideas anyone?

I've been loving the weather we've had the past week or's to another week like that!!

Saturday, July 4, 2009

So lately I've been struggling with the balance between friends and family. A lot of times, I feel guilty for not spending time with my friends because of family commitments. I've struggled because I love my friends dearly, but my kids and their well being and their mood and their growth is all at stake when they miss a few hours of sleep. Their routine is so important, especially Ian's. He does so much better when he is on his routine and I have witnessed that if I mess with that routine, I risk him waking in the middle of the night or early in the morning and none of us get the sleep we need.

But I heard something the other day that really help put things in perspective for me. When we have kids, we tend to try to fit the old us into our family life, that of course, that doesn't work AT ALL. So instead of keeping our old self, I should accept that who I am has changed, so I need to re-invent myself. I need to find out who I am with two kids instead of one and I need to allow myself to be that person and try not to revert back to who I was as a parent to just one child. I went through the same process with Melody, its just that it lasted a LONG time and really it wasn't fully decided until recent years. Well, I want to take a more proactive approach this time - I don't want it to take years and I don't want people to make me feel guilty for putting my children first or taking care of myself so that my children can rely on me for anything that they need. I love my kids and I love spending time with my family. But I am missing my time with my friends and I don't know how to give both things the attention they need. I don't feel as if my friends think I am being a good friend.

On another note...

Yesterday was Ian's first 4th of July. Tonight we drove down the road and found the perfect spot to view the city's fireworks from just about .2 of a mile from our house. The fireworks were so-so, could have been better, but I am still thankful that our city had them because last year they didn't. Ian kind of watched the fireworks, but was randomly distracted by cars that drove cute, his eyes would follow the car until it was out of his site and then back to fireworks. Melody was excited and giddy about the whole experience, which is fun. She's at a great age, maturing, but still has a lot of child like qualities. We bought a fountain and a pack of sparklers. Gotta love sparklers!

Ian has been a sleepy boy today. He woke up briefly at 5am, had a bottle, and then went back to sleep until 9:30am and then got up and ate and played for about two hours and then slept for about 2 and 1/2 hours. He just had lunch and is playing now. Yay for lazy sundays!