Monday, November 2, 2009

Halloween Fun

We had a wonderful Halloween! I would have to say that this was the absolute best for our family. It was tons of fun because we had a super cute costume theme and lots of places to go and lots of parties to attend. Our costume idea began with Ian being a bumble bee. Then we decided that both kids would be bumble bees and Tony would be a beekeeper and I would be a beehive. It was so much fun. I am lucky to have a creative friend with lots of Martha Stewart magazines that helped pull everything together nicely. I don't think I could have pulled it off without my friend Amanda. She really came through. Thanks Amanda!

I have put together a slide show of our photos with photos from the following events:
- Pumpkins for Bumkins party from 10/24. We carved pumpkins at Amanda's house with a group of people.

- Hallow's Eve activities from 10/30. I dressed up for work and Melody dressed up for school. I went to Melody's school to help with her party and we attended a costume karaoke party as a family that night. Ian slept through the whole party and I was able to have a great time!

- Fall party at a friend's house on Halloween which included a lot of fun and games for Melody. She had so much fun and I am thankful that we were able to go.

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