So Ian had his 6 month well check last Tuesday. He is 21 pounds, 13 ounces and 28 1/2 inches long! So that's where 35 ounces of formula every day has been going... lol
He has slowed down his formula intake though. I was kind of concerned when we went to the doctor. He has dropped about 10 ounces a day since we started solids, and honestly, he prefers solids over drinking a bottle. He loves his baby food! I spoke with the doctor and he said that he would recommend adding meats just to make sure he is getting enough protein but that some children never look back after starting solids and take to it really well . So, now we are on what seems like a routine with foods, at least from what I can tell from the weekend.
- when he wakes up, he eats 1/4 cup oatmeal with a stage 2 fruit and 2 ounces of formula mixed in.
- about 2 hours later, he eats 6 ounces
- about 2 hours later, he eats lunch which consists of 2 tablespoons of rice cereal mixed with a stage two jar or tub of veggies or meat and veggies or even fruit and meat every once in awhile.
- within the hour, he'll drink most of a 4 ounce bottle
- 2-3 hours later he takes 6 ounces
- 2 hours later he eats dinner (same type of food as lunch) and sometimes wants 2-4 ounces of formula, especially if he didn't get both of the previous two bottles
- 2 hours later he takes a bath and gets an 8 ounce bottle and goes to bed.
Now we'll see how long this
He is sitting up fairly well and will be crawling as soon as he figures out how to move his arms.
1 comment:
Sounds like Ian is a tank just like Mason :)
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