When Ian first began learning to roll well (around 5 months) - I should also note that he was also recovering from being sick with Croup - he began to wake up in the middle of the night again. I understand that he will go through phases but I was really frustrated with his night waking because there wasn't much I could do to help him. Of course, when he was ill, I fed him when he woke up because he wasn't eating much, but once he got his appetite back and was eating, ahem, three meals of baby food a day and 35-40 ounces of formula a day on top of that I felt that it was OK to expect him to go throughout the night without eating and that he really needed to learn to go back to sleep on his own. It took him a good week to two weeks to work through this (much longer than Melody). When he woke, I would make sure he was ok, try to give him his paci, and pat his back and check on him every 5 minutes or so, tell him I love him and that it's time to go to sleep, and then listen to him cry through it which a couple nights lasted for an hour (again, much longer than Melody every cried). But I feel that I can safely say that it worked. (please, just because I said it, don't make it not true, please please lol)
For a week at least now (2 weeks I think!), he's been sleeping through the night again, the longest waking being long enough for me to replace his paci. But the greatest thing that has come of this is that he sometimes stays awake through his nighttime bottle and then play with us a little more. Then when I can tell that he is tired, I lay him on his tummy in his crib, give him is paci, and his lovey (either his bear or his little hippo blanket/plush that his aunt beth got him) - and he doesn't move from that position and he doesn't cry - he just goes to sleep!
So...I am grateful. I think we are off to a great start with healthy sleeping habits.
...and since he went to bed right after dinner (at 7pm) I'm hopeful that his good habits will continue until at least 6am...please?
Congrats for positive steps. We battled the sleep wars here recently. Sure hope you are enjoying the extra rest!!!
Glad to hear the sleep thing's going well! We're working on not having to go put the paci in in the middle of the night (sometimes four and five times!)...okay, maybe we're not really working on it. But it IS our ultimate goal! A girl can dream(literally!), right? :)
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