Well, the weekend was a different one for us. We decided to do our weekly shopping on Saturday which resulted in a much less stressful Sunday. Why shop on Saturday? Because stuff is more in stock, except for the Lean Cuisine meal that I'm attached to that I cannot find anywhere. The weekend was a little rough though - Mr. Ian has become a spitter upper even more so on this new formula. I'm glad he's spitting it up instead of swallowing it but geez I feel like I am always on the defense! lol But tonight, I decided to try something different. I noticed that his sitter has been heating his bottles up for him and she has also not been complaining of spit up sooo I tried it tonight and have been rather pleased with the results. I will keep trying and see if it lasts. It always seems as soon as I say it out loud or, in this case, type it, I am wrong. I am hoping this time I am right. And I am wondering why warm formula would make a difference...why oh why?
The best part of today came at 3pm. I was watching a movie and Ian seemed sleepy so we laid on the couch and both took a 3 hour nap!! I am so happy he sleeps so well with me - it is amazing that it doesn't bother me and that I sleep well with him too. He's just a cuddler. Now, its nearly 11, he's in bed and I'm up doing laundry but I will go to bed as soon as I can hang up my work clothes.
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