Sunday, January 31, 2010

It snowed and we sorted some shapes!

It snowed this weekend so we were inside Thursday pm through Sunday afternoon. I took time to try to teach Ian to sort shapes. He rocks.

circle in a star? nope...

sqare in a circle? nope...

ah...this fits I think!

He managed to get two circles in there!
Not to mention many more after I put the camera down.

Did I mention snow? Yes! Here was our yard this morning.

Snow + Freezing Fog = Pretty!

And we took a little time this afternoon to experience the snow!

Melody and Ian

I sat Ian in the snow and this is the face I got.

Action shot!
Melody threw a snow ball at me!

Melody is holding some snow and Ian is checkin' it out!

Here is a great photo of Ian. He is taking in the snow.

Ian is just beginning to talk some. Today when I was yelling for Melody he repeated after me... "elllll eeeee!" It was sooo cute! His babble is getting more conversational so I think its just a matter of time before he comes up with something really serious to tell me. He is also starting to put his mega blocks together. He walks around with two in his hands and pulls them apart and puts them back together over and over. Tony built a tower with his mega blocks today and Ian added one or two to the tower....but it wasn't long before he took them back. HAHA

And, he's at the imitation age. Melody and I taught him to fake sneeze.

Melody turns 9 in Feburary. We are less than 2 weeks from her birthday. We are going to have a bowling party. I hope the weather cooperates for her. I was supposed to go scrapbooking on Saturday night and that didn't work out because of the weather. Hopefully soon I'll get to go.

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