Sunday, April 5, 2009

Ian is officially mobile!! (shhhh I don't think he knows yet)

Well he finally figured it out! I really thought we were going to be past 4 months before this happened just because he is so big but he's already out to prove me wrong which is just fine. I'm a proud mommy!!

And here are some pictures, too.

The last one is his new toy that has been a huge hit!

On another note, I got to go out with some friends last night for a bachelorette party. It was fun to get out. We went to a nice dinner at Bordinos then to Willy D's! Then to top it off, Ian and I took a 4 hour nap this afternoon. Yay!


Kate said...

That's so awesome!!! Great job becoming mobile Ian :)

Janell said...

SO freakin' cool! I love it when mama's post videos over the babies! Ian is so dang cute!!!

Callie said...

Too cute! Congratulations Ian!