So today is Ian's two month birthday! He had a two month check up which included the one exception, shots. He is 14lbs 8oz (100th percentile for his age group) and 24 inches long (90th percentile for his age group). His shots made him cry, of course, but his was quickly comforted with a bottle. He seems to be feeling pretty good right now so maybe he isn't feeling too much pain. Oh, and they gave him the rotovirus oral vaccine and he just sucked it right out of the dropper, no fight whatsoever. I'm going to have to hide the medicine from this kid because he does the same with his amoxicillin and his Tylenol that he's been taking for his ear infection.
He also started at his new sitter today which honestly was just a dream! The lady is sooo organized and her house is really clean. Her name is Kim and I really feel so lucky to have found her. The best part is that she already seems to just love Ian. Melody's babysitter when she was little had this look in her eye when she talked about Melody's day and Kim had that same look today when I picked him up - it was a look of love and that makes me feel so much better about going to work everyday. He is safe and loved and that's as much as I can ask for.
So can a day get better? Oh, yes it can!! I needed more sleepers in size 3/6 months for Ian so I stopped by Kohls on my way home and some on sale at for $6 (normally $12) so I bought 4! They are cute and should get us through the rest of the cold weather. Maybe I'll post a picture of them soon.
Then I got home, and I had a refund check in the mail from my credit counseling agency. It turns out that all of my accounts have been paid off. I seriously thought that I had another year of payments. Surprise! I'm done! One less bill to pay each month and a little more money put towards the others and to go out everyonce in awhile without worrying about money.
And now, to add to a great day, I've made my first post on my blog. Something that I hope to continue regularly. Yay for great days!