Sunday, January 10, 2010

I've got cabin fever!!

So during this past week we have had the coldest weather that Arkansas has seen in TWENTY years. I realize this was felt all around the country and we were not the only ones, but it was COLD! On top of that, it snowed last Saturday night, so we've had snow and ice on the ground ever since which makes going out and about that much more difficult, but I guess I've always said that if its going to be really cold we should at least have snow on the ground because then it's much more pretty. Well, I'm am ready for the snow to melt and for the temperatures to rise and for there to be some warm air and sunshine. It is supposed to climb above 32 today. And by golly, we are going to Walmart to do our weekly shopping.

Melody was supposed to go back to school on Monday, but did she? fact, she still hasn't gone back to school from winter break. She has been out of school for three weeks. Lets hope the above freezing temps melts the rest of the snow on the roads and they get back to school tomorrow.

I enjoyed two days at home last week, one of which I was off work and one of which I worked from home. I am super glad that I am blessed enough to work at home when I need to but it is super hard to stay focused and keep the kids happy. I owe Melody something super fun here soon for being such a big helper. On the days that Melody was out of school and I worked, she went to Ian's baby sitter's house. She has older kids and was able to watch her for me. Soooo thankful for that!

On the Ian front, he has switched to whole milk fully. He drinks about 24 ounces a day, give or take some. I think it may be too much, but he is also bigger than the average 1 year old so I hate to not give him what he seems to want. He also drinks 18 ounces of juice mixed with water (only 6 ounces of juice daily). He drinks the milk straight from the fridge at the sitter's house and warmed up at home (yep, spoiled rotten). He is sleeping really good right now and (knock on wood) hasn't been on antibiotics for a week . I have been giving him 1/2 a tsp of children's claritin daily and he sleeps with a humidifier.

On the Melody front, she has been rather mopey, but being inside for nearly a week straight and not seeing her friends from school in 3 weeks is enough reason I suppose. I realize that a great mother would wisk her away for some girl time, but money is tight so we'll have to see what we have left after grocery shopping today.

Tony and I have been passing the time by watching Friends on DVD since I completed my collection for Christmas. It is so funny! I never realized how raunchy it is, and I've been letting Melody watch it, which makes it even worse. But I suppose there are worse things in the world that she could be exposed to. And it makes her feel included. Maybe we can play some games later today after we get home from the store. That would be fun. I bought her boggle for Christmas...and haven't seen it since...where did it go?

Here's a picture from earlier this week when we had lunch at home. I've entitled it...spaghetti head:

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